Possible collaborations with subjects outside the University are of two types: research agreements and third party activities. In research agreements, the lab and the client institution pursue a shared interest in the in-depth study of the audiovisual materials as the central element at the core of the whole preservation activity. In other words, the two subjects are expected to work in strict collaboration and to draw a shared path through the preservation, digital restoration, research and edition of the said materials, aimed at creating digital copies of films and videos and the in-depth investigation of the digitized works and documentation.
Agreements can be activated provided that the technical and cultural history of the work/document to be restored is already clear.
As regards to third party activities, the client institution is fully in charge of the whole preservation and restoration process and therefore expected to give specific indications on the way the process should be carried out as well as on its outcomes – unless the materials in question are acknowledged to be of clear cultural/historical interest and/or the lab is interested in experimenting a “ad hoc” protocol.
Partnerships, conventions, collaborations
SInce 2004, within the framework of national and international research and experimental projects with public and private institutions, the Camera Ottica lab had preserved and restored hundreds of audiovisual works and documents. Some of them belong to rell-renowned artists and film-makers, among which are Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi, Alberto Grifi, Massimo Bacigalupo, Pierre Clémenti, Aldo Tambellini, Videobase collective, Karpo Godina, Michele Sambin, Claudio Ambrosini, Guido Sartorelli, Luigi Viola, Luciano Celli, Mario Sillani, Pier Paolo Fassetta and Alina Marazzi.
Among our parter institutions are:
- Cinegraph (Hamburg)
- Home Movies - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia (Bologna).
We’ve been collaborating with several film archives and laboratories, among which:
- Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Cineteca Nazionale
- Archivio Nazionale del Cinema d’Impresa (Ivrea, Turin)
- Cineteca Italiana (Milan)
- Cineteca del Friuli (Gemona del Friuli, Udine)
- Cineteca di Bologna
- L’Immagine Ritrovata (Bologna)
- Museo Nazionale del Cinema (Turin)
- Anim-Cinemateca Portuguesa (Lisbon)
- Deutsche Kinemathek (Berlin)
- Haghefilm Foundation (Amsterdam)
- Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia (Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee)
- International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art – INCCA Italia
- Filmmuseum (Vienna)
- Slovenska Kinoteka (Lubiana)
- C2RMF Paris
- Centre Pompidou (Paris
- Tate Modern (London)
- Museo delle Arti del XXI secolo (MAXXI – Rome)
- Fondazione la Quadriennale di Roma
- Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Ferrara
- MAMbo, Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna
- Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza (Turin)
- Fondazione Giorgio Cini/Fondo Cardazzo (Venice)
- Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi (Venice)
- Archivio Giuseppe e Victoria Chiari (Florence).
Looking for Listening (1977-2018). Performance di Michele Sambin
Udine, via Palladio, 8 - palazzo Florio, Sala Florio — Il 8 Maggio
Presentazione dell'evento dedicato al re-enactment della video performance musicale realizzata la prima volta nel 1977 durante la manifestazione Artisti e Videotapes all'Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee della Biennale di Venezia. Dal 9 maggio al 9 giugno 2018 l'installazione multicanale Looking for Listening è stata visitabile nella Stanza Serra, palazzo Caiselli, vicolo Florio 2, Udine.
Gesti sul Piano. Performance di Chiara Saccone
Gorizia, 29 Maggio 2019
Re-enactment della perfomance Gesti sul Piano di Giuseppe Chiari ad opera della pianista Chiara Saccone